丹麦乐队 CALL me KAT 中国巡演上海站演唱会 [售票中]

发布时间:2014-11-19 10:02:49    来源:给利伴网    点击:955


CALLmeKAT中国巡演上海站 ! 11月28日!



CALLmeKAT  China TOUR ! Nov.28th in SHANGHAI!

This November Denmarksongstress CALLmeKAT will be taking her old casios on the road, presenting a 4 - city China Tour. Nov 28th, She will arrive at shhanghai with her charming Lofi indie pop and the sexyist voice you’ve ever heard. Catch up her @ QSW.

CALLmeKAT is supported by The Danish Cultural Institute.

Concert  info / 演出信息:

2014.11.28  20:00



179 Yichang Lu, near Jiangning Lu




Known for her alternative pop CALLmeKAT is the internationally acclaimed moniker of Scandinavian musician, composer and singer Katrine Ottosen. She grew up in a forest in the Danish countryside, where she would always find herself secretly drawn towards an old beat up piano. Now later in life her ongoing love for vintage and analog keyboards shines through in her music, infused with an earthy feel and a rare talent for symbiotic relationship between electric and organic elements.

In 2008 CALLmeKAT released the critically acclaimed ‘I’m In A Polaroid Where Are You?’ (EP) and ‘Fall Down’, through her own Pixiebooth label. This was followed up with the 2012-release of the haunting psych-pop loaded sophomore album ‘Where The River Turns Black’ recorded in the beautiful Catskill Mountains, in the state of New York and released throughout Continental Europe (Pixiebooth/Word&Sound/Playground). Where The River Turns Black featured drummer/multi-instrumentalist and producer Joe Magistro (Prophet Omega) and notable bass player Sara Lee (Gang Of Four, B 52’s), with guest appearances by pals from the road; Erika Spring (Au Revoir Simone) and Helgi Jonsson (Sigur Ros).


创造着让人欲罢不能的独立音乐,Katrine Ottosen,这位来自斯堪迪纳维亚的创作型女歌手有一个更响亮的绰号“CALLmeKAT”。她成长于丹麦的一个满是森林的小村子里,在那里她最大的乐趣的就是摆弄一个已经坏的不成样子的旧钢琴,直到如今她对老式模拟键盘还有着一种特别的痴迷,并时常灵光一现的出现再她的音乐中,带着一丝音乐本质的味道,融合了电子与传统元素。

2008年,CALLmeKAT通过自己的厂牌Pixiebooth推出了广受好评的EP 《I’m In A Polaroid WhereAre You?》 和专辑《Fall Down》。而2012年的最新专辑《Where The River Turns Black》则更是帮助她在事业上更进了一步。这张至今还在我们脑中萦绕不休的Psych-Pop专辑的录制地点在风景如画的美国卡茨基山区录制,并由大发行商ContinentalEurope进行了全球发行。无论是商业还是艺术上,这都是一张成功的专辑,为了这张专辑Kat邀请到了一系列知名音乐人前来助阵 - 鼓手是来自Prophet Omega的Joe Magistro,贝斯手是Gang of Four 和B–52乐队的Sara Lee, 同时还有在路上巧遇的Erika Spring(AuRevoir Simone)和Helgi Jonsson(Sigur Ros)也在专辑中献了声。


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